Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Teresa Kok Raja Petra and ISA

If you lift yourself out of the forest and view the political situation, you can only sigh and watch ourselves and the situation get predictably worse and worse. Unfortunately I am of the opinion that our politicians currently running the country are not only predictable, but are also taking the route that will only create more havoc and problems. Like clockwork they "react" to everything with adhoc solutions and no proper long term thinking.

After their massive loss in the March 08 elections and until today, we cannot help but feel the scrambling all over the place of the component parties, MCA, Gerakan. MCA too groping around in search of a good position, to no avail.

Things are happening now which are only making things worse.
Take the ISA arrests for example.
The pride is so great that even after PAS and Masjids saying that TK had nothing to do with the allegations, she still remains in custody with no apologies and no release.

Future prediction:
Govt, police will turn around and release TK.
Anwar will get stronger and more popular.
More BN members will drop out.
PM transition will take place earlier due to surmounting pressure.
Razak Baginda will get away scot free.
Najib will be implicated but nothing will happen.
Ahmad will join PKR.

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