Friday, October 31, 2008

Razak Baginda Acquitted... No surprise is it?

The acquittal is no surprise. The judiciary decision works like clockwork; making a decision before hand, let the process take place, then implement the decision made beforehand. 

Questions I have are : 
1. Is nobody looking for Balasubramaniam, the only chap who can get Najis in court... is anyone other than the cops looking for him? 
2. Can Mongolia now do something and make this an international spectacle? 
3. Can our opposition parties in the likes of Kit Siang or Anwar bring the various evidences somewhere and make this an international issue? (since OBVIOUSLY we cannot resolve this nationally) 
4. Why cant Najis go to court on the grounds of his so called involvement and smses to Razak Baginda's lawyer? 

Again, helplessly, we watch murderers get away ... small criminals get charged and jailed while the BIGGEST culprits standing in the highest office get away scot-free! I pray judgement will very soon be made on these evil doers by none other than God Himself!

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